Marinella Correggia to the Saudi Arabia representatives in Italy
To the Saudi Arabia representatives in Italy العربية السعودية , مملكة الارهاب, عار العالم العربي Saudi Arabia is the shame of Arab World. Saudi Arabia is the opposite of muslim religion. Saudi Arabia kills a lot of Muslims. Saudi Arabia, a ridicoulous rich kingdom of Middle Age times, is killing now refugees and bombing civilians in Yemen in order to support Al Qaeda and Daesh. Saudi Arabia and its businessmen support the terrorists - from al Nusra till Daesh - which worked for the destruction of Syria, a huge tragedy for an entire nation and people. Saudi Arabia helped the coalition that destroyed Libya, now invaded by terrorists and racists. Saudi Arabia helped destroying Iraq in 1991 and 2003. Saudi Arabia (along with Watar and other shameful kingdoms) crushed the civil protests in Bahrein in 2011. Saudi Arabia is not a country, is an indecent, corrupted family busines...